Barnes Roffe LLP
About Barnes Roffe LLP
Barnes Roffe is a fast moving, rapidly expanding, medium-sized firm of accountants. Currently we have three main offices, in Uxbridge, Leytonstone and Dartford. A superb reputation has enabled us to continue rapid growth over the last decade.
The firm was established in 1899. We continue to meet the challenge of an ever-changing business environment with a commitment not only to innovative accounting and taxation products, but also to information technology. We make this commitment because our clients look to us for assistance in dealing with an increasingly competitive market place, and because our own success within that market place depends on theirs.
That is why the firm is proud to say: ‘We provide ideas, not just history.’
Across the offices we currently employ over 120 staff and have 17 partners. To fuel our continued growth we aim to recruit at graduate level those individuals possessing the skills required at partner level.
We specialise in working for owner managed businesses with turnovers ranging from £1million to £300million.
We provide a broad range of services encompassing not only audit, but also tax planning and product design to supplement the normal tax compliance function. In addition to that, we provide opportunities for those wishing to specialise in tax and corporate finance.
We can provide an unrivalled variety of experience for trainees, working closely with our partners and managers, because our client base is not restricted to any one particular area. Indeed, our clients draw on a variety of in-house specialisms including company and contract law, pensions accounting, solicitors accounting, forensic accounting and corporate finance.
Applications are sought from all undergraduates who consider themselves partner material and expect to realise their ambition not too long after qualifying. We aim to explode the myth that it is necessary to endure a gruelling commute to the City in order to enjoy a rewarding accountancy career.
The same kind of stimulating work can be found in certain forward-thinking regional accountancy firms like Barnes Roffe.
Applicants should be expecting an upper second-class degree (at least) and have a minimum of 280 UCAS points.
Applications can be made via email, fax or post.
Interviews take place in the first three months of the year of commencement. Offers are confirmed during spring before commencement in early September.
If you think you have got what it takes, we look forward to hearing from you.
Work sectors
accountancy, banking and finance
South East England