Case study

Mona Zheng — Audit apprentice:


After conducting some research into different qualification routes and discovering that the organisation’s values matched her own, Mona embarked on an apprenticeship at KPMG

Why did you decide on a career with KPMG?

When it came to applying for apprenticeships, I wanted to find a company that held the same values as me, which led to me coming across KPMG. They believe in five key values which are integrity, excellence, courage, together and for better. The respect I had for their values and how it aligned with my beliefs meant that this was the company I wanted to work for.

Why choose an apprenticeship?

I enjoy learning things through experience, so once I heard about apprenticeships, I thought that this was the perfect path for me. I had weak soft skills, and this could be tackled and developed by taking opportunities like this. After doing more research, I found that not only would I be able to gain work experience, but I would also be able to study towards a qualification. I decided apprenticeships would be the right path to take as opposed to the common university route.

What does a typical day as an audit apprentice involve?

My day starts off with a daily catchup call with my team. This involves updating one another with our individual work, which is then followed by task assignments for the day. I find these catchup calls very helpful in keeping us organised and getting us working together as a team.

What three skills/qualities are essential to your role?

  • adaptability
  • communication
  • time management.

What part of your job gives you the most satisfaction?

The opportunities to get out of my comfort zone provides me with the most satisfaction. This is because working in such an environment has really motivated me to become more confident and adaptable through working with my team and being able to continuously learn. Due to this, I feel like I have grown so much individually since joining KPMG and I am excited for more opportunities to come.

What are the challenges?

The workload can sometimes be overwhelming, especially when facing difficult tasks. However, I have learnt to overcome this by focusing on the skills that are essential to my role. For example, having good time management is important to ensure that work is done efficiently. Additionally, when work gets challenging, I communicate this with my team so that they can help me with any areas I do not understand, which then highlights the significance of teamwork and communication in the workplace.

What are your career ambitions?

My main career ambition is to have a positive influence and impact on others and to do this, my first step is to complete my apprenticeship to become a qualified accountant.

What advice would you give to others thinking about an apprenticeship with KPMG?

The key thing to take into consideration is to be your true authentic self, as this is what I believe employers value the most. Do a lot of research beforehand, not only on the company but also on the job role you're applying for. You should ensure that this is the right career path for you, as well as finding out whether KPMG would be the most suitable place for you to work.

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