Case study

Counsellor — Eve Pugh

Eve actively listens to her clients and supports them on their journey to better understanding themselves and their situation. Find out more about her role and how she hopes to further develop her career

What degree did you study?

I graduated with a Higher Diploma in Person-Centred Counselling from Wrexham Glyndwr University in 2019.

How did you get your job?

As part of the course I had to complete a trainee clinical placement, which I did with a community interest company (CIC) that provides health and wellbeing services, including counselling, to all aspects of the community. 

I continued to volunteer for them for 12 months after my course, while I was verbally contracted to stay with my previous employer who had supported me (allowing day release) for the two years that it took for me to train as a counsellor. I now work for them full time, helping to provide a community counselling service.

What's a typical working day like?

Currently, I am working remotely offering phone or video call counselling to key workers, although we have just started back providing some face-to-face counselling. I work Monday to Friday, including one evening a week.

I complete initial client assessments using a range of methods such as the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), Generalised Anxiety Disorder Assessment (GAD-7) and Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS) scores. These provide a holistic view of how the client's physical and emotional wellbeing is being affected. I then match the client to a qualified counsellor.

I deliver counselling to approximately 20 clients a week. Alongside this work, I gather anonymous data on attendance and on screening scores taken at the initial assessment stage, mid-way through counselling and on completion (12 weeks or earlier). I also write up anonymous case studies, all of which are provided to our funders.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy the variety of the work which comes from the clients, as each client experience is unique. I find it particularly rewarding being with them on their journey to understanding themselves/their situation and then the realisation that their future can be different.

What are the challenges?

When delivering counselling over the phone I am unable to see if the client is processing what we have discussed, which can result in me interrupting their thinking.

It's also hard having completed the assessment with them and having understood the painful situation they are in, to then have to explain that we have a waiting list.

In what way is your degree relevant?

My degree from Wrexham Glyndwr University is relevant in every way, as without it I would not be able to work as a counsellor.

How has your role developed and what are your career ambitions?

Since completing my training my natural way of being has changed and I now listen to hear and don’t listen to respond with everyone.

I have completed rewind therapy training, which is used with clients who have PTSD. Having already completed a mindfulness course for myself, I have also trained to be able to share mindful practices with clients.

Looking forward, I plan to train in cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), although I believe I will stay close to my roots of person-centred counselling.

What advice can you give to others wanting to get into this job?

  • Understand that counselling training takes you on a journey of self-discovery, which at times can be painful but also very rewarding.
  • Completing your 100 placement hours normally takes longer than you think it will.
  • You will continue to learn beyond your initial qualification, through yearly continuing professional development (CPD) and regular supervision.

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