It's an engineer's job to fix complex problems, improve and innovate so no matter your discipline all engineering careers are exciting. Here are five jobs to spark your imagination

Engineering is one of the country's broadest sectors and produces most of the UK's exports. The majority of services and products in the world are brought to life through engineering and engineers play a crucial part in:

  • the success of major infrastructure projects
  • developments in nanomedicine
  • ensuring the safety and efficiency of all forms of transport
  • the availability of fast broadband
  • developing sustainable solutions for future food, water, housing and energy needs
  • protecting individuals and organisations from cyber-attacks. 

They shape our future and make a real difference to how we live our lives. If you want to work at the forefront of global development, read up on how to become an engineer.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics engineering

Transforming the relationship between people and technology, artificial intelligence allows machines to sense, comprehend, act and learn. From voice recognition, virtual assistants, self-driving cars and pet-bots, AI is one of the fastest growing emerging technologies.

It will transform jobs across all industries, nowhere more so than in engineering. It's predicted that many low-level engineering tasks will become automated, however, engineers needn't worry that AI will take their jobs. Instead, it will open up exciting new industries such as robotics engineering.

Connecting mechanics, electronics and computer science, robotics engineers design and build machines and systems capable of performing duties that humans are unable or unwilling to perform themselves. They most commonly work in industries such as manufacturing, aerospace and medicine.

You could progress to become a lead engineer or specialise in a particular area such as space exploration or surgical instruments.

Robotics engineers need to be inquisitive, analytical and methodical to design, build and test prototypes, fix faults and write technical reports.

Entertainment engineering

Using their skill and ingenuity entertainment engineers work behind the scenes to design, create and install scenic structural and mechanical systems for things such as concert stages, theatre halls, theme parks and movie sets. Working in the field, engineers need to combine impressive visuals and a fun consumer experience with safety.

A degree is often essential. Some institutions provide entertainment engineering related Bachelors, such as the sound, light and live event engineering BSc at the University of Derby, while related subjects include mechanical or structural engineering.

As well as a degree, you'll also need creativity, the ability to problem solve, excellent communication and teamwork skills as well as the ability to multitask.

Disaster recovery

When disaster strikes, engineers find and rescue people using equipment such as telescopic lenses, drones and radar devices that detect victims' heartbeats and even cockroaches fitted with microphones, which can detect sounds coming from underneath rubble.

They provide immediate shelter and transport networks and get emergency water and sanitation services working to prevent the outbreak of disease. Often critical for providing humanitarian relief, engineers working in this field are responsible for getting electricity and communications up and running again and help people rebuild their lives with medical innovations.

The design, development and improvement of warning and detection systems also helps to reduce the impact of future disasters.

Cloud engineering

As an ever-increasing number of people and organisations use cloud computing, there's a rising demand for cloud engineers - IT professionals responsible for the technicalities that come with cloud computing, such as designing, planning, managing and maintaining these systems and supporting those who use them.

Cloud engineer is usually an umbrella term covering a number of different roles such as cloud architects, cloud software engineers, cloud systems engineers and cloud security engineers - each job focuses on a different area of cloud computing rather than on the technology as a whole.

Forensic engineering

Accidents and failures with products, systems and structures happen and when they do forensic engineers investigate why. They do this through conducting inspections and surveys and interviewing witnesses. They also test, through experiments, and analyse the product or structure, produce written reports and in some instances provide evidence in a court of law.

The things that they investigate are as diverse as bridge collapses, the breakdown of manufacturing equipment, rail accidents and the failure of medical products.

Other interesting engineering fields

Want more ideas? Take a more in depth look into the following:

  • 3D printing engineering
  • augmented reality engineering
  • biomedical engineering
  • nuclear engineering (see nuclear engineering courses)
  • pyrotechnic engineering
  • renewable energy engineering
  • sports engineering.

Learn more about graduate engineering jobs.

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